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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  March 22, 2019 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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susan: a great conversation, the rest with maria's interview with president trump tomorrow. mornings wit maria, kennedy begins right now. kennedy: democratic cruise toward an electoral beat down like they have not seen in yea years. what is the left doing to counter punch? first of 2020 election projections, according to politico, economists sent a number of pieces of data to certain computers. result, if the election were held today president trump would win in a landslide.
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unless there was a sudden collapse in the economy. could a surging democratic candidate somewhere down the road know how to rally? if today indicates anything, that not happening any time soon. , case in point, joe biden aides want him to name stacey abrams as his running mate for the candidacy, this comes with risk, abrams is seen by someone went her party as being se divisive. and two other stars are cannibal cannibalizing other campaign staff. let the games begin. if that is is not bad enough, growing democratic field is suffering from serious name recognition problems, a survey
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in wisconsin shows that voters there recognize alexandria ocasio-cortez before every democrat candidate except bernie sanders, joe biden and elizabeth warren, sorry beto. should the party gis just pack p and go home now? joining me, guy benson. co-host of 5 on fox news channel juan williams, welcome. >> good to be with you. >> thank you. kennedy: is there anything to these computer models that show that you know if you take polls and personalities out of the equation, and you just feed in this other economic data, it good news for the president. >> obviously it is. thing about it is just when you said, you were clear, they are looking at economic numbers, and they can change, most
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predictions are they will change, and not for the better. but if you just look at economic landscape as it exists right now, it would be favorable, absent the fact that the candid, donald trump, is not given his personality, his tweeting about thing like john mccain, "saturday night live," i can could go on, people don't have a good feeling about it. that is why right now, clear politics has him 40% approval away under water 50 plus percent disapproval. kennedy: right, people may not like him but that did not stop them from voting for him in 2016. he may have better luck if the economy improves from where it is. >> let's talk about joe biden, the best idea is to prepackage your nominees, ask vice
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president fiorina. >> ted cruz threw that hail mayomaryas a last grasp. i think this would be risky for joe biden and presumption for a lot of other candidate supporters to say here is my running mate, right out of the gate. and also stacey abrams, as you said is a risk chose. because she is a conspiracy theorist. kennedy: true. >> she thought she won an an, -- election she losts and continues to refuse to concede that elect, that not a good look. particularly from the party that was horrified, stacey abrams is at the top of vp list? that quite a turnabout. kennedy: biden does have name
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recognition. but kamala harris is making big moves, do you think she is in a better position than some other democrat candidates who scheduled out of the gate? >> you know i don't know who you thinking of stalled out of the gate, i see so many people. you think -- kennedy: no one is talking about them. >> i don't think that we began the process, you have to give them some chance opportunity to gain some traction. but if you look at bernie and beto, they have raised money like unbelievable. right out the box. there is an interest on the democratic side in upcoming democratic primary election. and i will -- >> i think that kamala harris is the most pivotal person in this race. >> you do, you told me that, i have to say, you are a californian. >> not because i like her, i
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disagree with her on most things, i would never vote for her, but looking at a political perspective she has a better game. she has a natural vp pick for someone like joe biden or bernie sanders. >> she is a natural presidential pick. kennedy: if she does not make it that far -- >> she has a lot of money coming out of california, she had a big producer, out in california just had a fundraiser for her. she will do pretty well. i think because her background as a prosecutor. which is going to set identify some -- set off some on the left. kennedy: she was a cop for a long time. >> they will see this, someone that can appeal to voters in middle. kennedy: she has a lot of appealing to do. >> not her trillion dollars of spending. kennedy: she has a lot to learn how to be a national candidate, she not there yet. but, do you hung that democrats are -- do you think that
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democrats secretly hope that economy tanks. >> i don't think that when democrats president, the republicans want people to suffer. kennedy: you say republicans are bravbraver and nicer? >> network i'm saying politically -- no, you can point to, that there is a reason that all of the economic models have pointed to the victor, if you want to win an election it helps can the u the incumbent is weake would be weak if the economy were not good, but right now the trump economy is roaring. kennedy: we have to go, juan, what is the more crucial factor for voters? thetic or president'sthe economs
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personality. >> he is underwater with voters they don't like the stuff he does. >> but he won. kennedy: he was never above water. not like hillary clinton who went from 63% to upper 30s, he has always been right there we will see, it will be a fascinating election, thank you guy and juan. >> thank you. kennedy: president trump and george conway have not gotten their best friend t-shirts made up yet. no one is more surprised than kellyanne conway who told our own maria bartiromo this morning she was caught off guard by her husband's attacks. >> this is new, and what is also new not supporting the agenda of the 'and my work there when george took himself out of the contention for top job in department of justice, he put out a public statement that many media refuse to cover, which is woo. >> we decided as family this is
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not time for us to both have big jobs in federal government, he would stay in private sector but still support president. kennedy: george conway was anything but supportive this morning, many people are wondering if this is causing tension in conway house, the bigger question, what nickname will the president give george conway when he gets around to it. we have brit mchenry here. democrat strategist, and former adviser to dnc, and hillary clinton's failing campaign, antoine c wright. >> okay. kennedy: and mattie -- welcome to you. aantwon, this is crazy, i still
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convinced this is a grift. >> i am not married, but i know -- >> just put i it out there. >> if someone were attacking my spouse, it would be nicely suggested we have real household discussions and talk about future. futemployment. i think that there is some coordination going on perhaps some collusion. but it speebs more t speaks moro where we are, if that was barack obama having this discussion with anyone on his staff could the worl would implode, here we, trump supporters doing high 5s, and kellyanne, i think she is preparing for life after trump. kennedy: in luk look at other pe
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who left administration on good terms, i think nikki haley, sitting down with the president, having an echange with the press, say i support him i am moving on. but, i found maria bartiromo did just a great job, she got her to open up and say i was raised in a household of strong italian catholic woman who taught me you do not air those grievances in public. >> this indicates where we are as a country, president knows he is control news cycle with whatever he tweets, if he tweets something outlandish it will consume the conversation for the week. what is washington talking about, the president knows. the mueller report may come out. kennedy: you think that is he talking about snl, and john mccain, and george conway.
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>> that is what everyone is talking about. >> i think when you said trump supporters are into this i look at no one is phased. this one of many distraction methods, kellyanne and her husband this is not first time. kennedy: are they working together, bonnie and clyde. clyde? >> i would not be surprised. they have sent a few off to the tv world. set you up for a book, i don't know. but this is not first time it happened. and i just want to know her definition of private. kennedy: i think george okay you do this, and i will come out ask support president, and i will loom like most loyal person in the world, i can leave, make a bunch of money, and people will feel bad for me. >> we're having conversations
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about honesty, if your playbook is true that not honest. >> but -- >> no one said the president knows about it. kennedy: that is my business, but it is odd they making her business public, saying this is private. >> she talks about her husband that way. versus -- >> what do they talk about at home? >> two men that like to tweet too much. >> they tweet at each other. >> collusion, you heard it here on kennedy, collusion. kennedy: i think there are sizzling loins somewhere, i am not sure who they belong to. , speaking of loin, rodger stone and assange respond. what does this mean? what does this mean? she has
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- [narrator] custom ink has hundreds of products to help you look and feel like a team. upload your logo or start your design today at kennedy: house judiciary chairman jerry nadler requested documents from 81 of president trump's associate, so far only thing most have done is laugh in their face. attorney for roger stone told nadleednadler saying they will . 8 of committee's 81 requests were met by monday deadline, as speculation heats up we're close to a finale in the mueller probe. that prompted james comey to right an op-ed from "new york
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times," i to have one hope i should confess, i hope mr. trump is not impeached and removed from office befores end of his term, a significant portion of this country would see this is a coop it would drive those people farther from common sense of american life more deeply fracturing our country. nothing says you want to hold a country together like leaking documents turn min to underminea president. in immortal words of axl rose. where to we go now? this is shannon breen. there is a golf clap around the studio. >> don't make he start air guitar, you get me going where do we go. >> shake it off, taylor swift. >> people saying they would make the fifth, stone said no buena.
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>> this letter from rodger stone's lawyer was interesting, it is paragraphs and paragraphs of no way, they keep using words with up most respect or respectfully, they say, have you these protection against incriminating himself, he is going to trial in november, he still cooperate or still some investigation federal prosecutor tell us this is not a good time to give information to you guys. many in cast of characters, they say we're not coughing anything youp with a lot of different reason. kennedy: michael caputo said, it is too expensive. there seems to be an inverse proportion between the mueller probe wrapping up and the house probe ramping up. what to you think? >> a lot of people think, it is a different standard of proof, because if the mueller investigation wraps up and there is no hard evidence of collusion
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between president and russia, as has been alleged and no cull charges on those -- no actual charges on those charges. if mueller said there is nothing there that i can indict. it is different if house comes up with something, says we can still go after impeachment. still getting this information calling it in dirtying the water, creating you know, and chairman nadler from house judiciary committee said this about selling this idea to public, you can't do impeachment without that, we're make our kase to public. -- their case to public. their investigation may have multisprongs and multipurposes. kennedy: there was a fear among democrats somehow william barr would withhold the mueller report, president said no release it i don't care. do you believe that or do you think that president has some
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fore-knowledge. >> we don't think he gets a sneak peak. his lawyers made noise, and rudy guliani at some point, but what attorney general barr said, i want to be transparent and put out as much as possible. and patrick leahy asked him when president's team change or correct it or add any spin to it, barr said no, he sounds like -- >> who has the responsibility of redacting it? it is mueller in mueller in concert with the doj? >> i think probably be went barr's purview, mueller will prevent to him. it could be a page. he presents whatever his findings. to barr, barr then has responsibility of putting something together, hinted at
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may more classified document that would go to leadership of house and senate intel of judiciary committees, something that is less classified to american public and congress. it sounds like it would be within his authority to carve out portions that not everyone will get to see. kennedy: whatever that is, i hope he bottom lines, and says, sort of clarifies the issues, about whether or not you can indict a sitting president, and i-- why he would choose not to. and at least clarify that so some what of an exxonration of the -- exxonration on russia issue, sha shannon bream thank . >> living the dream. >> viewer and listeners they loved you on the podcast. kennedy: see tonight, 11 p.m. eastern fox news chance displel president trumchannel.>> comingp wants more spree speech on
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kennedy: there i there is i is r gee of spre prespeech to campus. it scare who same mentality leads to melee and violence as certain kinds of offensive speech are deemed violent act. conservative and leaning activist who go on campus to pass out pro life literature and constitution should not be
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walloped because some baby commie has no impulse control. if there were two speech gender, liberal and conservative, somehow a title mind like band-aid to could implied to make sure they engage in equal me hurry thameasure it would bet there is not. it does not seem like withholding federal cancer research dollars on another part of campus would make problem bet or society healthier. should. should federal government be will doinwill do doling out doln first place, maybe not. >> but they have no incentive to keep cost down or trim administrator from 1990 to 2012, faculty went from out numbering add maiadministrators 2 to 1 tot
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numbering them. the average student loan debt more than doubled in last 39 13 years. have no reason to balance out the idea and discourse for overcharged ad adolescence. until student start suing colleges for academic fraud, nothing on campus will change, that is the memo. >> president trump announcing his executive order at thous houshousetoday. >> under the guys of speech codes and safe spaces and trigger warnings, these universities have tried to restrict free thought, imposed total conformity and shut down the voices of great young
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americans like those here tomorrow. great people, all that changes starting right now we're dealing with billions of dollars. >> there is now doubt free speech is a problem on college campuses, but is this really the fix? to the panel. brit, start with you. bessy devos, who comes under fire all of the time, she said that you know she likes that idea but she does not think that government muscle, the term she used, is best way to handle the free speech crisis on college campuses. >> i agree with that, we can't play it both ways, president trump has criticize former president barack obama about using too membershi many executs in the past. and bil bill clinton had most, d george w more than barack obama, it should not be strong armed.
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armed. i do believe in free speech, i give you applaud on memo, i wrote about student loan debt, high class alone, in college 40% are defaulting on their loan, 44 million struggle with debt, we need to focus our energy there as trump administration did this week, but it did not get as much press. kennedy: now with college admission scandal in full bloom, you see the cards are stacked against college students, god forbid they are libertarian or conservative college students they have no friends on campus, they have enormous student debt and a bunch of wiener heads who get in because their parents bought them fake scholarships. >> i don't think that student debt issue is partisan issue.
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i was first generation of a college student, i graduated by time i membered, 6 figure debt, but this further democrat trump ability to be a political bully, he cannot seem to get things done from a legislate of stand point, through his congress. and so he does these executive orders, they tradition alley have -- >> you want this president deciding what free speech looks like? >> you want legislation. >> let me finish, he does these things to really check a box with his base, he wants to do is bridge his base. kennedy: is that what everyone president does? >> have you read the executive order, with it president it is benign. it affirms what school are supposed to do, protect first
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amendment rights. >> my point red meat for his base to make them come together. i said, college debt, this has nothing to do with college debt. >> you missed my point, she brought issue of college dirt d, i'm talking about the executive order. kennedy: my point that federal government provides so much money, so many grants and loans it is exists outside of the free market, colleges have no incentive to trim their cost and make college more practical and affordable, so what happen, these climates are created. created with no incentive to change. their is a corp on -- correlation and knol nothing wil change. >> i think that boils down to state, like south carolina.
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our general assembly has the power of control over college and university we control their budget. >> do you like the gamecocks. >> i love th the gamecocks. >> wanted to see if i could make him smile. president trump has not let up on his feud with late senator, john mccain. a preview of maria bartiromo's interview with the president, she challenged him on his comments. >> you said he can't punch back. >> i don't talk about it. people ask me the question, i didn't bring it up, you brought it up, you asked. >> you talked about it this week. >> you asked me the question. i went out yesterday to the scrum they asked me the question, they asked me i answered. but you people bring it up, i doaj bring idon't bring it up, a fan, he was horrible what he did with repeal and replace, what he did to republican party, and sick people, i am not a fan of
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jocjohn mccain that fine. kennedy: you can watch more on "mornings with maria." right here on fbn, and president actually restarted rivalry hifl himself on twitter last weekend. after a claim a former mccain aide -- republican lawmaker have been quick to come to mccain's defense, but hesitate going after the president, only johnny isaac son has been tough on trump, callings comments deplorable. senator mccain's family has criticize the president. so it is about time someone tell him to ease up a little bit. i think that is a good idea, dan crenshaw said, of senator mccain to the president, he is not your political e enemy.
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>> i don't understand why he goes after. not just the tweet, he had a stump he was talking to i think a audience of a lot of veterans, you cannot win this battle, he always wants to win battle, we need respect and honor. john mccain, there are some things to disagree with. >> amen, his world view and view of foreign policy, but never agreed with. having said that, this is inappropriate. >> i am so disappointed in his best friend. lindsey graham and his silence, my world silence -- >> he was not. >> it is -- >> he said he didn't like anyone anythin-- going after his frien. >> if that was my friend, i would call them out by name, and
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say i don't like you doing this it is not right. hypocritical of republicans to say that barack obama is not a patriotic. john mccain did more for this country, i think than donald trump will ever do. >> will silliest part of this. you don't argue, and insult a dead man, he is dead. heshis legacy lives on, you cant violate that, it already there mehgan mccain said it best, my dad is rollover in his grave. kennedy: i think people are looking back on senator mccain's life, saying, wow, he actually was really impressive guy. >> he was. >> this red meat for parts of trump base. >> i don't know about that. >> if you look --
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>> this is one of those people said we can move on. >> if you view my twitter this is red meat. kennedy: view my twitter. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> coming up patriots owner kraft fight release of surveillance video for his alleged prostitution, hooker sting. can the super bowl champ do anything to prevent potential embarrassment. this is florida, the rules are this is florida, the rules are different there. i can't believe it. that we're playing "four on four" with a barbershop quartet? [quartet singing] bum bum bum bum... pass the ball... pass the rock.. ...we're open just pass the ball! no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico. yea. [quartet singing] shoot the j! shoot, shoot, shoot the jaaaaaay...
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kennedy: patriots owner kraft reportedly trying to block the release of graphic surveillance video from inside of florida massage parlor on days that prosecutor say he paid for sexual service, he and 14 others filed a motion claims that is
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exempt from public disclosure because the case is still on going, but sheriff said he predicts that will come out. >> kraft last month pleaded not guilty, and offer a pretrial deal this week, charges would be dropped, if we conceded. good lord, he rejected the idea, will it go to trial, will we see the video. joining me now criminal defense parent, former prosecutor randy zellin is here. >> it is more than the against the will part. where i agree to craft the defense if you will. kennedy: i will. >> the crime is a crime of words. when you request sex for money,
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you have committed crime of soliciting a prostitute, their video and evidence if evidence does not link the words to the sex to the money. kennedy: he has to look at a menu say, how much for hand stuff. >> and actually. kennedy: give money to someone who directs him to -- if there is a nonverbal communication he whistles that is not prostitution? >> i tell you whatnot, they have consensual sex, then money is for something else, it could be you know, i hear you are short this week, you need to feed your family, here is money. or for a massage. kennedy: a foot rub. >> right. >> and we laugh about it but not funny when you are charged. >> and when there is a damaging -- what about women thenure -- y
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are supposedly trying to protect. >> by putting the video out there that real protection. kennedy: these women have been traffics again their will, and they are kept in there with no way out, why would you expose them to level of public scrutiny and videos that everyone would see causing them harm and embarrassment. >> in my humble opinion, two things spell a weak case, number one, fact they are so anxious to release a video. the video is not in evidence. to release that video is releasing it to a potential juror. who is now seeing something that is not in evidence. if that tape should not get to evidence, there could be problem with the tape, it could be doctored, person who made it could disappear. maybe it is the no good, who knows. kennedy: so many things ! >> this potential juror, now on the jury, has seen a video.
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what do we do? like "men in black," hit him with a light. kennedy: you can't do that, that technology does not exist. >> randy zellin thank you, come back. >> i hope you have me. kennedy: absolutely. kennedy: absolutely. >> top col tomorro i have a vision correction number, but i'm more than a number. when i'm not sharing ideas with my colleagues i'm defending my kingdom. my essilor lenses offer more than vision correction with three innovative technologies for my ultimate in vision clarity and protection together in a single lens: the essilor ultimate lens package.
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kennedy: hi, international group of scientist have used quantum physics to discover an alternate reality. this is the to topic one. in pennsylvania. a party crasher. this beer loving lo love bozo ct get in, so he drove in. the lager lover stole two cans of bud ice. which is shocking most people thought they don did not still e
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bud ice, i thought they replaced it with something tastier like drano. the store will reopen. and saturday they are having a huge door buster sale. >> topic two, people of los angeles thought they saw a meteor crashing to earth, it was a fall alarm, only thing that crashed to earth were lakers play-off hopes. but, with way that team performed this year, lebron james can say he played in college. mm-hmm. the guy in a wing suit flew over downtown l.a., some people thought it was an alien invasion, that is not true because president trump would have deported them, then a pandering democrat would have given him voting right. people call 911 -- saying there
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were aliens in the sky because of well, legalized weed. every story is about the saman samantha b show. >> we go to chattanooga, tennessee. pet rescues through the roof, bella the dog chasing a desire squirrel. she got stuck, rescuers kit herr out but they did not locate the squirrel. belbella is said to be doing fi, but her owner was so stressed out, he needed a beer. topic 4. salute a drug smuggler whose gps
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guided him to quickest destination that prison. canadian man hauling 10 pounds of methamphetamine. like you do. his gps took him on a shorter route. across a bridge with u.s. custom checkpoint. he was using a smartphone. agents seized that meth, and they ordered him to exit vehicle he did because he is great at following direction, he faces multiple charges. he found an alternative in mod e of travel. you don't need lyft when you have liftoff. >> topic 5. our show has touched millions of viewer in world, we reach time of week where they voice their
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heart fault thank -- felt thanks this your mail. >> shut up you big mouth, you suck as a dj on mtv and and still terrible. >> now i don't suck -- because -- >> hey, i caught your show. you are very disrespectful to young master-beto. i don't know what that means. yeah, liberal resistance wraps it up, you are a an amazing sell out and a total embarrassment, he called he amazing, i'll be right back. ♪ limu emu & doug mmm, exactly! liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. nice! but uh, what's up with your partner? oh! we just spend all day telling everyone how we customize car insurance because no two people are alike, so...
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limu gets a little confused when he sees another bird that looks exactly like him. ya... he'll figure it out. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ our grandparents checked zeroimes a times change. eyes haven't. that's why there's ocuvite. screen light... sunlight... longer hours... eyes today are stressed. but ocuvite has vital nutrients... help protect them. ocuvite. eye nutrition for today. (get-together, especially after ibeing diagnosed last yearto go with my friends to our annual with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. (avo) another tru story with keytruda. (dr. kloecker) i started katy on keytruda and chemotherapy and she's getting results we rarely saw five years ago. (avo) in a clinical trial, significantly more patients
12:57 am
lived longer and saw their tumors shrink than on chemotherapy alone. (dr. kloecker) it's changed my approach to treating patients. (avo) keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapies as your first treatment if you have advanced nonsquamous, non-small cell lung cancer and you do not have an abnormal "egfr" or "alk" gene. keytruda helps your immune system fight cancer, but can also cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body. this can happen during or after treatment and may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have new or worse cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, diarrhea, severe stomach pain or tenderness, nausea or vomiting, rapid heartbeat, increased hunger or thirst, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in urine or eyesight, muscle pain or weakness, joint pain, confusion or memory problems, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. these are not all the possible side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, if you've had an organ transplant, had or plan to have a stem cell transplant, or have lung, breathing, or liver problems. (katy vo) where i am now compared to a year ago,
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it's a story worth sharing. (avo) living longer is possible. it's tru. keytruda, from merck. with more fda-approved uses for advanced lung cancer than any other immunotherapy. we see two travelers so at a comfort innal with a glow around them, so people watching will be like, "wow, maybe i'll glow too if i book direct at". who glows? just say, badda book. badda boom. book now at the sleep number 360 smart bed, from $999, intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts... so you wake up rested and ready for anything. save $500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. only for a limited time. it's nice. ♪ you got this! ♪ woo! ♪
12:59 am
♪ ♪ >> i am so delighted for spring, we have so much to look forward to, presidential election in full swing, so am i on facebook and instagram. courtney, always posting them
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econome-mail. i know it is thursday night in honor of team here at this fine video collection. (doorbell chiming) oh, hey, hi, dean. hey, hi there, uh... bob. (narrator) from the battlefield to the white house, from hollywood to the heartland, america's entertainer was bob hope. oh, this room, it's so dull and depressing tonight. if only there was some way to brighten it. oh, of course. (laughter) (narrator) he was a true patriot.


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